Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of ‘Orality and Literacy’. I am not necessarily putting a length -

In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of ‘Orality and Literacy’. I am not necessarily putting a length


In your own words, please summarize the contents from the Introduction and Chapter 1 of "Orality and Literacy". I am not necessarily putting a length bc you may write it using paragraphs and/ or bullet points. Just be sure to cover the content, well. Also, remember to cite any information taken from the text.

In-text: (author's last name [no comma] page number) Example (Wong 12)


(0-25 points) Content

(0-10 points) Critical Thinking (effort)

(0-10 points) Writing Conventions

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