Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Anger, Disappointment, Happiness, Disbelief, Eroticism, Boredom, Inviting, Comforting, Contempt and Disgust. If a woman was to display one of the emotion -

Anger, Disappointment, Happiness, Disbelief, Eroticism, Boredom, Inviting, Comforting, Contempt and Disgust. If a woman was to display one of the emotion

Anger, Disappointment, Happiness, Disbelief, Eroticism, Boredom, Inviting, Comforting, Contempt and Disgust. If a woman was to display one of the emotions, how would the woman's display of the emotion (especially in the workplace) be perceived and how does that differ from how a male's display of the emotion would be perceived? If both language and emotion is how we communicate in our society, and if they both carry distinct meanings, how do we use both to bring about language neutrality?

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