Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Discuss how a current political issue has, or will, move through the entire political system -

Discuss how a current political issue has, or will, move through the entire political system

Discuss how a current political issue has, or will, move through the entire political system. Be sure to include those who have a stake in the issue (interest groups, organizations, businesses, etc.), what current laws and Supreme Court decisions affect the issue, what agencies (executive) and congressional committees (legislative) have jurisdiction, how the public views the issue, how the political parties represent it, how the issue has evolved over time, and what roles and responsibilities individuals (or citizens) including yourself have within the system as it relates to the issue.

Here is a sample paper on a fictional topic for your reference – it is a fun read and has the type of sources you will use.

I am looking for quite a bit of research and factual detail. Be sure to answer all of the questions and give me your impression of where the policy area is going.

Choose one of the following

Foreign policy

Health Care

Civil Rights

Gun policy


Environmental policy – though for this one, as it is very expansive, choose only one of these: public lands, wildlife, carbon emissions, or clean air and water.

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