Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Consider a product or service that you are familiar with and briefly describe it. Describe a customer that would consider purchasing that product or service -

Consider a product or service that you are familiar with and briefly describe it. Describe a customer that would consider purchasing that product or service


  1. Consider a product or service that you are familiar with and briefly describe it.
  2. Describe a customer that would consider purchasing that product or service.
    • Choose three (3) of the segmentation models/methods identified in the Module 2 Lesson.
    • Use these models to describe the customer for your chosen product or service. For example, one model is demographic segmentation. Describe the demographics of the customer (age, gender, income, marital status, etc).
  3. From the description you provided above, create a buyer persona for that customer. If needed, refer back to the Module 2 Lesson to view sample buyer personas. Share your buyer persona.
  4. How would having this buyer persona help to support the company's Customer Relationship Management?

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