Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Review Goffman’sideas in the chapter about social interaction and the presentation of self. How have social media sites such asFacebook,Instagram,SnapChat,and others, affected t -

Review Goffman’sideas in the chapter about social interaction and the presentation of self. How have social media sites such asFacebook,Instagram,SnapChat,and others, affected t

Review Goffman's ideas in the chapter about social interaction and the presentation of self.  How have social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, and others, affected the presentation of self?  Might our virtual presence change the way Goffman described our front and back stage selves?  In what ways might Cooley and Mead add to this understanding?

Put simply, (how) has the virtual world changed the development and/or presentation of self?

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