Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Now that you’ve reviewed the resources about the court system, you are familiar with the four purposes of punishment: deterrence, incapacitation, ret -

Now that you’ve reviewed the resources about the court system, you are familiar with the four purposes of punishment: deterrence, incapacitation, ret


Now that you’ve reviewed the resources about the court system, you are familiar with the four purposes of punishment: deterrence, incapacitation, retribution, and rehabilitation. In this 350- to 500-word journal entry, address the following:

  • Prioritize these four purposes of punishment.
    • In your personal opinion, which of the four purposes do you think is the most important? The least? Rank them.
  • Explain where capital punishment fits into your prioritization.
    • How does capital punishment fit into each purpose? For example, how does capital punishment fit into the purpose of deterrence? Explain.
  • Explain your opinion on capital punishment using the four purposes as a foundation.
    • How does each purpose you have prioritized align to your personal opinion on capital punishment?
    • Do the purposes align perfectly, or are there misalignment? For example, if you indicated incapacitation as your highest priority, how does capital punishment align to this purpose?
    • In either case (alignment or misalignment), why do you think this is?

Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:

  • Prioritize the four purposes of punishment.
  • Explain where capital punishment fits into this prioritization.
  • Explain your personal opinion of capital punishment and its alignment to your prioritization of the purposes.

Include scholarly references to support your opinions and conclusions.

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