Chat with us, powered by LiveChat How might Giles define effective communication? How might other theorists in this book approach this concept? Where do you stand on the issue? 2. ?Thinking back to Geertz and Pac -

How might Giles define effective communication? How might other theorists in this book approach this concept? Where do you stand on the issue? 2. ?Thinking back to Geertz and Pac


Read Ch. 25 & 26

Answer the questions separately, linking concepts and theories from the text. 

1.  How might Giles define effective communication? How might other theorists in this book approach this concept? Where do you stand on the issue?

2.  Thinking back to Geertz and Pacanowsky's cultural approach, how might one discover the areas in need of accommodation? 

3.  Are the strategies of emotional expression, passive aggression, and third-party help viewed positively or negatively by most Americans? Can you think of situations in which one or more of these strategies might be more effective than any of the traditional five styles (avoiding, obliging, compromising, dominating, and integrating)? 

4.  How might Baxter respond to Ting-Toomey's face-negotiation theory?


Sparks, E.G.A.L. G. (2022). A First Look at Communication Theory (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education (US). 

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