Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Create a 1-paragraph issue statement that hooks your audience and concisely communicates the?imperative to address your selected social problem. Incl -

Create a 1-paragraph issue statement that hooks your audience and concisely communicates the?imperative to address your selected social problem. Incl


Submit a 3page paper, addressing the following:  (Substance abuse in adolescent) 

  • Issue Statement: Create a 1-paragraph issue statement that hooks your audience and concisely communicates the imperative to address your selected social problem. Include the following: 
    • In 1 paragraph, define your social problem and the population impacted by it.  
    • In 1–2 paragraphs, explain your critical reasons for why the public and decision makers, as well as social workers, need to advocate for change.  
    • In 1–2 paragraphs, describe what happens in communities if your goal to alleviate the problem is realized. 
  • Policy Review: Summarize your selected policy, its relationships to the social problem, and the expected results. Then address the following: 
    • Is your selected policy dictated by local or state statute—or a combination thereof? 
    • How does the policy address your issue statement? Or what is missing? 
    • What are the different sections, or components, of the policy? 
    • How long has the current policy been in place? 
    • Who supports and who opposes the policy? 
    • What changes, or amendments, have been made to the policy? 
    • Explain how this policy affects clients you might see in a clinical setting and why, as a clinical social worker, it would be important to advocate for change.

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