Chat with us, powered by LiveChat In your opinion, what is the first cause of the universe? What you would describe as a cosmological reason for existence? From the first cause of the univ -

In your opinion, what is the first cause of the universe? What you would describe as a cosmological reason for existence? From the first cause of the univ

  • Write or record a response that answers the following:
    • In your opinion, what is the first cause of the universe?
    • What you would describe as a cosmological reason for existence?
    • From the first cause of the universe, what are the major effects of that cause?
    • What is the ultimate (future) plan of this universal cause? 
  • Once you've posted your original post, comment on one of your peer's original post, either agreeing, challenging, or questioning their position. Your reply can be written or you can also upload another voice recording. You must respond to the topic first before viewing other replies. 

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