Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Select one thing we have seen or talked about in this Unit, which you personally think has been the most important and the most influential to modern society, -

Select one thing we have seen or talked about in this Unit, which you personally think has been the most important and the most influential to modern society,

detailed instructions included with topic and some information on topic below instructions. one full page 

detailed template attached of exactly how the format should be.

Unit one assignment 2 instructions

Select one thing we have seen or talked about in this Unit, which you personally think has been the most important and the most influential to modern society, culture, or civilization. Write a OnePage document, with well-constructed paragraphs, defending your selection. Describe, in detail, the reasons why it is influential or important.

I'll be looking for several things in your response:

Have you written in proper English, and proofread your paper? Are there spelling errors, slang, grammar mistakes, or sloppy writing? I check. You will get a poor grade if you write poorly.


Is your paper formatted exactly as the Assignment Specifications Document requires? If not, then make sure it is. Line spacing, Font size, Margins, Title Block, Page Title, and all of those details. I will take off major points if you do not follow the Assignment Specifications Document.

Have you selected more than one thing? If you did, then you have not followed instructions. This paper is not about writing. It is about editing.


Have you presented evidence to back up your claim? Do not have to give a full citation, but instead say something like "Whatsisname wrote, 'blah blah blah" as long as you don't do it more than once or twice. Try not to do it at all. You should say things like "the research has shown" or "there is evidence to suggest" which would be much better.


Did you select a defensible choice?


Did your defense make connections to modern things?


Think and write carefully. The best way to do this might be to write a draft. Edit and revise to get the paper the way you want it, proofread, and then proofread again before you submit. This is a college course, and you are expected to be able to write properly. That means no slang, and no colloquialisms. Do not refer to yourself at all. You are not part of the topic of this assignment.

Topic + some provided info on it

The advent of the legal system

Speaking of societal roles, how do societies deal with people who don't follow those roles, and who don't pay attention to the values, morals, and customs of such groups? Well, today, we call those rules "Laws". And they're pretty much things we follow every day. (At least, I hope so!) How did these things come to be? In the early civilizations, didn't Kings make the laws? Didn't those laws get interpreted and applied to suit the King? Well, the answer to those two questions is yes, they did. Until…

Until when? Until Hammurabi decided that the law must be fair, public, and not open to anyone (even himself) applying it to suit their whims.

Hammurabi believed that fairness and being consistent was what gave him his authority with the people. If he was corrupt, he reasoned, then his people would not follow him for very long. His name was Hammurabi of Babylon (r. 1792–1750 BCE), and he was one of the most powerful leaders of the time. He is the one who set the stage of having one set of rules for everyone to follow, and that included him. One of the things he did which made his people understand that he wanted to be fair, impartial, and consistent, was to have the Law of the Land put up in every community, so that everyone would know what it was, and could follow it fairly. Judges and Legal scholars could read these laws, see how they were to be interpreted, and know how to make rulings and apply the law fairly. Hammurabi is the King who created the saying “That’s carved in stone” meaning that it’s fixed permanently, no one can change it, and you can trust what it says because it’s permanent and available for everyone to see. (Another modern saying coming from antiquity!) What Hammurabi did was to create a giant stele, or an upright stone slab carved with a commemorative design, that also was a complete a record of decisions and decrees he made, with the purpose of celebrating his sense of justice and wisdom. Carved in stone, for everyone to see, touch, read, and know it was real and solid. The Stele explains how the King imposed order on Babylon where laxness and disorder, if not chaos, was there before his reign.

The greatest part of this is that with the Code of Hammurabi, the authority and power of the ruler could no longer be a subjective interpretation of his personality, but the law became more objective and impartial. And fair. It applied to everyone equally. Much later, the great scholar of the 5th century CE, Saint Augustine of Hippo, defined and outlined the principle that law must be fair before anything else. Augustine wrote “An unjust law is no law” which was in fact, the principle Dr. Martin Luther King was guided by during the early Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. The principle was tested through Lunch Counter sit‒ins, the Freedom Riders, and the people in the Selma marches. So we see that an ancient policy has, and can guide and influence modern events.


Student Name

Humanities 1101


Due Date


Title of Assignment – Assignment Specifications Document

When given a homework/research assignment, it is expected that it will be word-processed

when handed in. The Humanities generally specifies MLA as the required academic format, but I

have slightly modified it for writing assignments. It is expected that sentence structure, grammar,

syntax, spelling, and other mechanics of writing a paper, will be done to appropriate standards. That

means no slang, no fragments, no contractions, and proper punctuation, among other things.

This is Academic Writing. All sentences should be complete sentences, all paragraphs should

be complete paragraphs, and you should double-check these things. Also, I require fully justified, 1.5–

line spacing, Arial 12 point font. Page margins should be 0.5” all the way around. This means that you

will have to edit carefully to ensure that you do not exceed a single page. Please note, the single-

spaced, right justified Title Block at the top right of this page is not in the header, and that the Body

Text is full justified. This document is exactly how your paper should look when you turn it in. Ask if

you don’t know how to set up paragraph settings in Word.

All assignments are expected to be turned in by the end of the day on the specified due date.

Late papers will automatically lose a letter grade. Papers not written to these specifications will also

automatically lose a letter grade. Please note that I do not accept emailed assignments. You have to

turn it in online, in BlackBoard. Do not email any assignments, as they will not be graded, and you will

get a zero.

If you want to put in a citation, the general rule-of-thumb for citing something is, if it is not

general knowledge, commonly known information, or information so specific that it has to be

demonstrated from whence it came, then you have to make a citation. I teach this course, so I pretty

much know most of the sources and content already. I spent a lot of time in Grad School researching

things! I know you will have to look some things up, and as long as I can tell you did not pull it out of

thin air, or are copy/pasting, it should be fine. However, If you feel the need to give a citation for some

piece of information, don’t. This is not the place for citations.

When writing, you must write for your intended audience. This is an academic paper, not a

conversation. That means you never refer to yourself. The reader is not interested in what you have

done, and will already know it is what you think since you are the one who wrote it. How you feel

about something is not important. The content is what is important. I do read these papers, so make

sure you write a good one.

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