Chat with us, powered by LiveChat For your research topic assignment, you are asked to select a target population that you currently work with or that you hope to work with one day. Describ -

For your research topic assignment, you are asked to select a target population that you currently work with or that you hope to work with one day. Describ

 For your research topic assignment, you are asked to select a target population that you currently work with or that you hope to work with one day.

  • Describe the target population you will be exploring this semester.
  • Describe and summarize the demographics of the target population. Include in your summary: the problem set that they most often face and the current strengths and growth areas that are related to these issues. This should be the population that you will be discussing in your research project for this course.
  • Include three potential research sources that you might use to describe treatment options. For example, if you would like to work with women struggling with depression, you would discuss that group, their age range, problems/diagnoses/issues that you see, and treatment options.

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