Chat with us, powered by LiveChat The purpose of this assignment is to address the importance of social and cultural competency in social psychology research, as well as your own life.In a 500 -

The purpose of this assignment is to address the importance of social and cultural competency in social psychology research, as well as your own life.In a 500


The purpose of this assignment is to address the importance of social and cultural competency in social psychology research, as well as your own life.

In a 500–750-word address the following 

  1. In what ways does social psychology differ from other areas of psychology, and what are the big questions social psychologists research? Explain and offer examples of how at least two specific research methods (reference Chapter 2 of your eBook) might be used to explore some of these big questions. 
  2. Describe the importance of social and cultural competency. How and why is social and cultural competency important to social psychology research specifically? What problems might occur if social and cultural competency are neglected in psychological research? Offer specific examples and provide supportive evidence for your explanation.
  3. Explain how social and cultural competency are reflected in GCU’s Statement on Civility, Compassion, and the Way of Jesus (refer to the Topic 1 resources). Explain examples of how you might exhibit social and cultural competency in your own life. 

Cite a minimum of two to three peer reviewed scholarly resources   

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