Chat with us, powered by LiveChat What is your definition of family and family health? AND choose three of the following to answer in your initial post:? Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or -

What is your definition of family and family health? AND choose three of the following to answer in your initial post:? Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or

What is your definition of family and family health?

AND choose three of the following to answer in your initial post: 

  1. Reflect on an illness experience in your own family or a family you know. Describe the struggles the family experienced with the illness. Consider the biological, social, psychological, or spiritual factors that influenced the management and coping of the family. Based on your experience pose a nursing approach that may have been helpful to the family. Use your readings to support your analysis and response.
  2. Describe your family health experience utilizing the three family health domains (contextual, functional, and structural).
  3. Describe your family's health routines. Identify some barriers or challenges for families not developing or maintaining health routines. 
  4. To introduce family nursing practice and give you a background on how to care for the family unit, please watch video clips of our former nursing students caring for George Maverick in our simulation suite on the Mankato campus. Observe the similarities/differences seen between the individual focus (video 2) vs. family focused care (video 3).
  5. Thinking Family – Address the health inequities or health disparities: Does the basic premise of family focused nursing care hold true: When the health of one family is improved, the health of society has also been improved.

N362 Family and Societal Nursing for RNs

Discussion Board Guidelines The Group Discussion provides you with an opportunity to participate in scholarly discussion about the readings and content for this course. Each

student will be assigned to a Discussion Board (DB) Group. All students are expected to participate in each assigned group discussion. Your initial

posting in your group discussion should be posted by 11:59pm on Thursday; this allows your group members enough time to read and respond to

your initial post. Your response postings in your group discussion should be posted by 11:59pm Saturday and you’ll want to follow up on all

questions and comments to your own initial post by Sunday at 11:59pm to receive maximum points.

Initial Postings

Compose your post initially in a word document, then copy/paste it directly onto the discussion board. Please do not post word documents as

attachments, as this requires other group members to download, read, and respond to material that cannot be seen directly on the discussion board.

You are encouraged to share personal experiences and insights that you are comfortable sharing with the instructor and your peers.

For your initial post, the goal is to answer/respond to your assigned topics, applying what you have found in your assigned readings or other relevant

sources. Incorporated at least two references into your initial post. Clarify the content and major points in the readings, and help your peers

understand the topic/issue you are posting about. You must cite your reference(s) below your posts, using APA format.

Responding to group members’ posts

Read and respond to your group members’ postings a meaningful post asking a question to stimulate thinking. Whenever possible, offer relevant

examples, making connections between the posted topic and your own or others’ experiences.

Follow up on your own initial post comments/questions

To “close the loop” on your own initial post, be sure to follow up on all comments and questions to your own initial post.

Family and societal issues often raise strong opinions and controversy. We want to have a stimulating discussion, and group members may have

differing views on many of the issues. Remember to keep a professional tone to the discussion, and to state your differing viewpoints respectfully.

When you state your views, please back them up with facts and data related to family nursing. Science is the father of knowledge but opinion breeds

ignorance. Hippocrates.

See the Group Discussion Grading Rubric below, to understand the criteria on which you will be assessing yourself. A total of 25 points are possible

for one discussion board grade.

rev 10.24.23 LK

Discussion Grading Rubric CRITERIA Points Possible

Spelling, Grammar, and Sentence Format Sentences are well organized, complete and free of spelling and grammar errors. (Composed in a word document and used spell and

grammar check for errors before posting to help ensure this)


Sentences are well organized and complete but some grammar and/or spelling errors (2 or less per paragraph) 4

Sentences are complete and comprehensible, but organization needs improving to present a coherent argument or statement and/or has

grammar and/or spelling errors (3 or more per paragraph)


Sentences inadequate organization/structure, several grammar and/or spelling errors; run-on sentences 0

Discussion Participation Timeliness and Interaction Makes postings on at least three different days (Thursday initial post due by 11:59 PM, Saturday response to two other people due by

11:59PM, follow up on all comments/questions to own initial post by Sunday at 11:59pm.


Late first post and/or posts everything 1 day only. Responds to at least 2 peers’ postings 4

Responds to only 1 peer’s posting 3

Does not reply to or provides minimal comments and information to other participants 0

Content of Initial Posting—1 initial post due Thursday at 11:59pm, follow up on all comments/questions to initial post due Sunday Initial posting is clear and concise, completely addresses all parts of the discussion, and demonstrates that the course content was reviewed,

analyzed, understood and well synthesized. Content was applied through use of relevant examples and incorporates at least two scholarly

references. Posts by 11:59PM Thursday. Follows up to all questions and comments to own initial post by Sunday at 11:59pm


Initial posting reasonably clear and concise, addresses most, but not all of the discussion, and demonstrates sufficient understanding,

analysis and application of the content through use of examples. Posts by 11:59PM Thursday. Does not follow up to all questions and

comments to initial post by Sunday at 11:59pm


Initial posting shows superficial understanding and analysis of the content, or is limited to substance that could be derived from others’

postings, and/or late initial post


No initial posting, or discussion was not related to the content 0

Content of Responses to Others’ Postings–due Saturday at 11:59pm (2 reply posts) Response to others’ postings advances discussion such as: critical analysis or another interpretation of posted idea, provide example(s) to

illustrate post, provide additional information/explanation on the topic, discussed how you might apply something you learned in the post to

your practice, shared a related experience from work or life. Response posts each ask a meaningful question.


Response to others’ postings incomplete (i.e. less than 3 sentences) and/or do not ask a question. 4

Response to others’ postings limited to agree or disagree 3

Does not respond to others’ postings 0

APA Format Provides evidence-based, scholarly resources to support one’s position on the posed topic or idea for the initial posting; resources are

correctly & accurately presented in APA Format as cited in text and referenced at the bottom of the discussion


Provides evidence-based, scholarly resources for the initial posting and response posts, but uses incorrect APA Format in text citation and/or

at the incorrect APA format for referencing at the bottom of the posts


Does not cite sources within the initial post but does provide scholarly references at the bottom of the post 3

Provides no scholarly reference to support position in the initial post 0

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