Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Either use your workplace as an example or research an organization that has been involved in organizing a relief effort during a crisis. Show how they problem-solved to alleviat -

Either use your workplace as an example or research an organization that has been involved in organizing a relief effort during a crisis. Show how they problem-solved to alleviat


Either use your workplace as an example or research an organization that has been involved in organizing a relief effort during a crisis. Show how they problem-solved to alleviate bottlenecks in the supply chain. Provide graphs and charts as necessary. The 6-10 page formal report should be in APA style. 


 In addition, you will prepare a brief 5-10 slide PowerPoint or Prezi presentation on your findings and recommendations. Your presentation should consist of (1) the slides and (2) written narrative of what you would say if presenting your findings and recommendations to an executive board for consideration. 

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