Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Choose a cultural group that is different from your own background and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounte -

Choose a cultural group that is different from your own background and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounte

  • Go to Module 3 Assignment: Cultural Interview Assignment for detailed instructions.
  • In preparation for your Module 3 assignment, choose a cultural group that is different from your own background and plan to interview someone from this culture. The goal is to explore a culture that you will likely encounter in your nurse practitioner role.
  • Using Module 1's Mind Map, and the textbook's FIG 1.1 and FIG 1.2 in Chapter 1, prepare a list of questions that will help you gain insights into the cultural aspects of healthcare for your selected interviewee.
    • Ensure your questions are respectful and culturally sensitive.

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