Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Discuss a significant moment from your childhood when you had to make a decision. In your description, think about the significance of the event, the people wh -

Discuss a significant moment from your childhood when you had to make a decision. In your description, think about the significance of the event, the people wh

 Discuss a significant moment from your childhood when you had to make a decision. In your description, think about the significance of the event, the people who were playing a role in your decision-process, and the implications or the consequences of the decision. Be as specific and as detailed as possible. Now, indicate based on the decision YOU made, what factors mattered more to you. Then, explain how your decision was made using the lens of just ONE of the three main theories: structural-functional perspective, a social-conflict perspective, or a symbolic-interaction perspective. Minimum 500 word-count. APA formatting and sources not necessary for this assignment!  

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